Wednesday, September 26, 2012

JD 092512

*** Накормила дочка и ее подружку и отвезла их на теннис
*** Сидела и смотрела как дети играют в теннис. Я радовалась тому, что они радостные бегают по корту.
*** Прогулка по вечерней набережной. Огни, вода, яхты, прохладный ветерок. Тишина.

Doris Duke's Shangri La

"Happiness is a sign that you're in the right place:
Physical surroundings are more mportant than most people realize. The notion that a person can be happy anywhere if he wants to symply isn't true. Place matters - and, by place, I mean things such as:

- the country you live in
- the region you live in
- the climate
- the size of community
- the architecture
- the terrain (for example, mountains, beachers, desert)
- the amount of sunlight you're exposed to
- how close you are to your neighbors
- the type of housing you have (for example, apartment, house, cottage, loft)
- how much noise there is
- how green the surroundngs are (for example, a concrete jungle or a place with a lot of trees and parks)"  -- W. Doyle Gentry, PhD

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