Thursday, November 29, 2012


*** Пока я ждала дочку, я решила заглянуть в библиотеку. Идя по коридору я сфотографировала собор из окна. Я не захотела ехать на лифте на второй этой и решила пройтись по центральной лестнице в фойе. Там очень красиво. На полпути я услышала звуки оркестра. Дверь была открыта в центральный конценртый зал. Репетировал студенческий оркестр. Я быстренько сбегала в библиотеку и вернулась опять слушать репетицию оркестра.

The George Peabody Library

The view from a window

Students orchestra's rehearsal
"Freedom and independency are a necessity of creativity and imagination".
--Albert Einstein

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


***I've finished my knitting project - a beautiful turquoise pillowcase.


Art Provides relief to Parkinson's parient

As in all Parkinson's patients, Vono's brain no longer effectively produces the chemical dopamine, which helps control muscle movement. Without dopamine, his brain cannot send messages to his arms, hands, legs or feet. .....Stanley also saw how painting helped Vono deal with his illness. ..."He became completely still when he painted, and he could focus on the painting," Stanley said. "And the tremors would just stop."

Dr. Liana Rosenthal, a Johns Hopkins doctor who specializes in neurological disorders, said exercising the brain can help patients with disorders like Parkinson's cope with the disease.

It's not exactly known what happens in the brain, but keeping it active helps improve motor skills, said Rosenthal, an instructor in the neurology department at the Hopkins School of Medicine..... read more

Vincent Vono


How They Discovered Their Dream Careers
When a health condition left her bedridden, Athelia Woolley finally got to tap into the right side of her brain.

Woolley had hoped to earn a PhD in neuroscience, but abandoned the pursuit in 2006. Three years earlier, she'd been diagnosed with Addison's disease—a disorder that interferes with the production of adrenal hormones—and her symptoms were worsening. "I constantly felt disoriented, like I'd been woken up at 3 A.M.," she says. When doctors told Woolley she required intense treatment, she moved in with her parents in Salt Lake City.

"I needed a project to keep me sane," says Woolley, who had loved clothes since childhood, and had even written "fashion designer" as her desired profession on an eighth-grade career-matching exam (the results said she was best suited to science).
Read more:

Monday, November 26, 2012


***  Figures In Bloom by Mattye Hamilton at Minas gallery

*** At the boutique next doot I bought a little black dress ala Coco Chanel.
Fashion changes, but style endures.
-- Coco Chanel


*** Kennedy Krieger Institute’s Festival of Trees. We go there every year. We all love it.


*** Black Friday shopping.
Пуховик "Снегурочка". Я когда его надела, то сразу возник образ снегурочки ))). У него чудесный воротник, искусственный мех, но выглядит как голубая норка.

*** Увидела эти летне-весенние куртки и не могла удержаться. Цена была сказочная. И они хорошо на мне сидят. Когда я их меряла, то продавец аж ахнула, сказала: "Вы что не наденете, вам все идет". )))

*** И еще купила спортивную теплую курту, подкладка отстегивается. Цена была великолепная. И как раз то, что я искала.


*** Peaceful and joyful day. I cooked a duck stuffed with apples.

Friday, November 23, 2012


*** Wednesdays escape.
Finally we visited the beads store next to my daughter's music classes.

*** KK picked those animals beads for her projects.

*** Then we had a lunch outside and listened to street musicians.


*** I finished another painting project. I love "layer by layer" paiting kits from Walter Foster.
*** Mostly I painted it by left hand (non dominant). By Right hand I did fine lines and finishing touches.


"When we say we are afraid to begin a project, we are actually saying something else: “I am afraid of how I will feel as I continue.” We do not want to start because we do not know that we can continue. It is not the start, it is the finish that troubles us.
Wanting to know where we are going is often how we fail to go anywhere at all. Rather than surrender to the mystery of the creative journey, we want to know each sight we will see, each obstacle we will confront. Each “something” that we will encounter if we dare to begin.... read more" - Julia Cameron
"Пора перестать ждать неожиданных подарков от жизни, а самому делать жизнь". -- Лев Толстой


*** Trip to NY

“Кто усовершенствовался, тот не может верить тому, чтобы это усовершенствование кончилось. -- Лев Толстой
"You are not striving for perfection. You are seeking commitment and progress".-- Kathleen DesMaisons
"Ненавидь дурное в человеке, а человека люби". - Лев Толстой
"Самый верный признак истины — простота и ясность. Ложь всегда сложна, вычурна и многословна". - Лев Толстой